How soon can I get my business started?

Frequently asked question about franchising

  • How soon you can get your business started depends upon you and the type of business you choose.
  • Our consulting process can be completed easily within a few days if you are motivated.
  • Once you begin investigating different franchise opportunities, most clients can find a great match within one to three months.
  • After you select the right business for you, it will typically take anywhere from 2 weeks to 6 months for your actual business to open for operation. This depends upon the type of business and several other factors.

The process consists of several clearly defined steps. And each step will take some time. It is worth your time to thoroughly investigate your business choice so you make the right decision.

1) Initial call with franchise consultant

2) Longer consulting call to determine your interests, experiences, and financial capabilities.

3) Franchise consultant will take some time to determine good matches for you and find out about territory availability.

4) You will be presented with a few good matches

5) Set up initial calls with franchise developers

6) Learn about the franchises, ask questions attend webinars

7) Review the FDD and complete due diligence

8) Attend discovery day and meet the team

9) Sign the agreement and get ready for your grand opening.

Contact Trish to learn how to get started today.

I’m an author, franchise owner, business consultant, and small business advocate. I enjoy walking my dogs, swimming, vintage markets, and camping. In my past life, I rode horses, lived on a 40 acre farm, and taught business courses. This is my website. I’m excited about my book Franchising Without Fear–order your copy now.